He Waka He Tangata
Te Whakatere ā-lwi-Taketake
i te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa
Sawei Gifts
The coral islanders gave many special gifts to the Yapese through the sawei voyages. They included foods, sweets, coconut oil, mats, sails, dance belts, rope, tobacco and special shells. They also made religious offerings to the spirit Yangolap, like tur (valuable weavings).
The Yapese gave gifts in return – for example, turmeric powder for ceremonies; Tahitian chestnuts and other foods; red soil used for colour; clay pots; and giant clam shells. They also gave large trees for making vakas or even finished vakas. They promised to help the coral islanders after storms too.
The women made many of the gifts that were exchanged in the sawei system – for example, the tur, mats, sails, clay pots, and foods. Men were responsible for the soil, clam shells, trees, and finished vakas – and for wayfinding. They also performed the religious rituals.
Ngā Tuku Sawei
He nui ngā taonga whakahirahira i tukuna e ngā iwi moutere ākau ki ngā iwi o Iapi i ngā haerenga sawei. Ko ētahi he kai; he whāriki; he rā; he tātua kanikani; he hinu niu; he taura; he rare; he tūpeka; he anga whakahirahira. I tukuna hoki e rātou ētahi taonga whakapono pēnei me te tur (he taonga raranga) ki te atua Yangolap.
Ka whakahoki taonga ngā iwi o Iapi – hei tauira – he paura otaota mangaeka mo ngā kawanga; ngā katania ratina nō Tahiti, me ētahi atu kai; he uku whero hei karakara; he kōhua uku; he anga ringatoro nunui hoki. Ka tukuna hoki he rākau nui hei hanga waka, tae atu ki te waka tārai hoki. Ka oati rā anō ki te āwhina i ngā iwi noho moutere ākau i muri i ngā āwhā.
He maha ngā taonga hokohoko i waihangatia e te wahine mō te kaupapa sawei – hei tauira, te tur, he whāriki, he rā, he kōhua uku, he kai. Kei ngā tāne te mana mō ngā oneone, ngā anga ringatoro, ngā rākau, me ngā waka – mō te whakatere hoki. Nā rātou hoki ngā kawa PAPAKUPU kawa - tapu, tikanga, karakia i taki.